Welcome to the Shepherd Park Citizens Association!

The Shepherd Park Citizens Association (SPCA) is a membership organization serving several thriving, friendly, diverse, and historic District of Columbia neighborhoods. We are located in the northernmost area of the District of Columbia. That is, the area north of Aspen Street, NW to the DC line, between Georgia Avenue, NW, and Rock Creek Park. This includes the neighborhoods of Colonial Village, North Portal Estates, Shepherd Park, and the former Walter Reed Hospital campus and is often referenced in broad terms as the Shepherd Park community. Click here for more detailed information about the SPCA's boundaries.

We have many long-time residents as well as recent arrivals. Regardless of tenure, all share a love for our beautiful area, with its abundance of trees, gardens, and architectural styles.

The SPCA’s mission is to improve our community's quality of life. We hold membership meetings covering issues such as schools, public safety, zoning, planning and development, and the environment. We actively encourage businesses that are responsive to community needs.

The SPCA sponsors many annual community events, including a picnic, yard sale, potluck dinner, and garden tour, as well as a Halloween parade. We also host candidate forums, maintain this website, and publish a newsletter four times a year. The community also has an active e-mail list-serve, which is not affiliated with the SPCA.

We invite interested persons or businesses to join. For more information, see the About section or feel free to contact a Board member.



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